Ateliers Saint Germain

"Create Objects for Today's Active and Independent Woman, Free to assume who she is." is the credo written on their website, and I could not agree more."

It was by accident that I stumbled on this gorgeous brand, Les Ateliers Saint Germain, combining two almost uncombinable things - luxury and eco-friendliness. Something that a rare brand is doing. It was love at first sight that made me purchase their bag, waiting in anticipation of its arrival. Maybe it was the name, luxuriously representing part of my beloved Paris. But most probably, it was the elegance, delicacy, and femininity combined with that style and the ethics behind all of it. Plus, the design seemed to have the right amount of perfectness for everyday usage and events extra more special.

While creating luxury, they do not forget about sustainability. Their leather goods are a mixture of craftsmanship, tradition and innovation, as all of the leather bags are created from recycled materials, always preserving what leather is and should look like, yet not leaving an ecological footprint.


Signe Meirane