Rose Donald Paris
It was a cold April morning, way too cold for this time of the year, when my dear friend and I arrived at Rose Donald saloon in the small Passage de l'Ancre. We entered the door hidden in between trees to arrive into an entirely different world. In a world filled with feminine energy, rose wallpapers, lavender tea and the most calming sensation ever. I sat down and let the master do his work. He washed, massaged, added, washed, added, and so he continued. I had no idea what he was doing, but I knew that at least one of those things he was putting in my hair was what I came for - rose placenta and keratin.
Later, Rose herself came with her adorable dog, who jumped on a chair to snug there for a good sleep. She blew out my hair, making them light and airy. I came out as a different person. At least I felt like that, with hair in the silkiest form I have ever had.