On bread and croissants
“Dipping croissants in coffee is a French tradition you’ll see people doing in many cafés nationwide. Unfamiliar thing to me, yet beloved in France.”
Never cut bread more than 10 minutes before serving, especially baguettes, but really any bread.
Standing in line at the boulangerie is not just a necessity; it’s part of the culture.
With almost 500 cheese varieties differing from region to region—and I could stop here—it’s hard to remember them all. Still, every French person seems to know an amount that surprises others.
There are two types of cheese shops. Fromager affineur not only sells cheese but buys it fresh, matures it, and then sells it. Many people prefer affineurs, as you can always get your preferred affinage of cheese. Then, there is a fromagerie, where cheese is sold as received. No cellars, no ageing. Both cheese shops are pleasing, yet the fromager affineur will offer a more refined selection.
Dipping croissants in coffee is a French tradition you’ll see people doing in many cafés nationwide. Unfamiliar thing to me, yet beloved in France.
There are a few types of croissants. The ones you should avoid and have been made with margarine, leaving a greasy feeling in your mouth and tasting awful. Then there are buttery classical ones that are quite heavy, buttery, and dense, often found in smaller towns and village bakeries—I adore these. Then there are the elaborate ones, crafted by the finest chefs, with millions of layers and a lightness like no other.