Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

3 nut praline

3 nut praline

Patience is the main thing when making this recipe: when it seems that the caramel is not forming, it suddenly begin; when it seems that the praline crème is just not going to happen, it does. Patience and more patience and then sheer deliciousness. You could eat this with a spoon – no other dessert is needed. But this recipe is made for praline éclairs, but it’s also good on oatmeal (on those days you think you need a hit of sugar), on pancakes and waffles, or to make trifle, mixing it with sweet or sour cream. As you desire.

300 g white sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
40 ml water
100 g walnuts
100 g almonds
200 g hazelnuts
1 organic orange zest, finely grated
pinch of sea salt


Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with butter or oil.

In a heavy bottomed pan or pot, place the sugar, vanilla and water. Heat on low until the sugar melts completely, swirling the pan in circles, not stirring. When dissolved and a syrup is formed, turn up to medium heat and boil for two minutes until the mixture thickens.

Add nuts, orange zest and salt, and mix. Continue stirring – the nuts will coat with the syrup and then slowly turn sugary. That is what you want. The nuts will start to sputter. Turn the heat up high and heat while stirring. It should slowly start to caramelize – about 5-10 minutes. If it seems that it’s browning too quickly, turn down the heat. Continue until it is caramelized and shiny. Pour the nuts onto the prepared baking sheet and spread out evenly. Cool completely.

To make the paste, place the nuts into a blender and process about 7‒9 minutes, or until the nuts powder goes creamy. If desired, you can save 1/3 of the nuts whole, chopped or powdered for decoration.

Sundried tomatoes in oil

Sundried tomatoes in oil

Gingerbread puffs

Gingerbread puffs