Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Aubergines with tomatoes

Aubergines with tomatoes

There is no excuse not to add aubergine in almost every dish when they are in season. Their meaty and juicy flesh likes to soak up olive oil, so use only good oil. They also like to soak up everything else, be it anchovies, tomatoes, herbs or sauces. Prepared this way, this is an ultimate picnic dish – easy to carry and nothing can go wrong, even if you trip. They are already mixed and matched. Perfect with freshly baked bread and, yes, some meat. 


600 g aubergine, cut into cubes
1 rosemary sprig, leaves only
1 oregano sprig, leaves only
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
400 g ripe, mealy tomatoes
20 ml OT extra virgin olive oil 
handful of basil
sea salt to taste
freshly ground pepper to taste

to serve:
anchovies or sardines in olive oil, if you wish 


Heat the pan. When hot, add the oil. Add all the aubergine and salt if you are using a big pan. If not, divide oil, aubergine and salt in two parts. Fry for 5-8 minutes on high heat, tossing it around a few times (not too much) so that they start to get golden brown. Lower the heat and continue to fry, stirring occasionally, until it is almost done. When you reach that stage, add garlic, rosemary and sage and mix. Continue frying for few more minutes. Take off the heat, put in a big bowl, and add tomatoes with basil. Add olive oil, salt to taste, and pepper. Mix. 

Serve on a platter alone or put the fish on top. Or divide into two parts, like I did, and serve one alone and the other with fish. Fresh bread is this dish’s best friend, but potatoes also go well. 

Gnocchi with borlotti beans

Gnocchi with borlotti beans

Omelet with cauliflower and parmesan

Omelet with cauliflower and parmesan