Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Corn slices

Corn slices

As I prepared this, my daughter asked me how often we made this when I was a child because this was only her second time. I remember this being a frequent treat, as were chocolate sausages made with cacao, not chocolate (because that was something readily available, and of course, understood). We didn’t have millions of varieties of candy available to us every day, but even so, I managed to be a few kilos heavier than I should have been. It was a holy moment for me when my mother melted caramels and then formed them into a sausage. And that was also the most difficult time because I had to wait to eat it. Back then we use the brand Zelta atslēdziņa caramels prepared by theLaima chocolate factory. Today, their recipe has changed and the only one I have found that gives me the same taste is Zelta atslēdziņa*, which is made in Russia.


1 kg medium soft caramels
450 g butter, in pieces
150 g unflavored corn puffs (I buy this brand that can be found in organic food shops)
pinch of sea salt


Prepare two large sheets of parchment paper in which to roll the sausage. Melt butter in a pot. When melted, add the caramels and melt on medium-high heat. You don’t need to mix vigorously at first, but later you will need to stir continuously. I still like to do this with a wooden spoon. When you have a uniform mass, take off the heat. In a large bowl, add the corn and pour the caramel mass over top, mixing until everything is covered. Divide the mass in two, place each half on a sheet of parchment paper and roll to form a sausage. Careful – it’s hot! Roll and let sit for 1 hour, but more is better. Do not put in the fridge – it will get too hard and crumble. When ready, slice and enjoy while telling stories about your childhood. And this is best done with children!

* you can use toffee candies that melt

Recipe and pictures: Signe Meirane
Camera: Sony Alpha 7s

Matcha panna cotta

Matcha panna cotta

Sticky orange chicken

Sticky orange chicken