Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Simple cherry ice cream

Simple cherry ice cream

I used to think that in my life, I had had a lot of cherries - until we moved to France where life changed, and cherries kept appearing in our baskets and bags and on tables all the time. Mostly sweet ones, for a change: during my life, we grew up with and I mostly ate the sour ones. But the ones here at Lyon market from different regions were different. Crispy, juicy, and so tempting that even I could not stop eating. They seemed to follow us no matter where we went, so after weeks of eating them just as they were, I made this and not only this. But this recipe – ice cream made with just a handful of ingredients – is my favorite. 

520 g sweet cherries
50 g dark brown sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 vanilla pod
500 ml cream
470 g condensed milk 

Heat the oven to 200°. Place cherries, sugar, salt, and vanilla in a baking dish; mix and place in the oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes until the juices start to get sticky. Take out, leave to cool, and take out the pips. When cold (not sooner), blend on high speed until it’s a puree. You should have 200 g. If you have more, put it in your yogurt the next day. 

Make ice cream. 

In a bowl, whisk cream to soft peaks. In another bowl, mix condensed milk with cherries. Add cream in three steps mixing to incorporate. Pour into a pan or dish you can put in the freezer. Cover and freeze for at least 8 hours or better yet - 12 - and serve. Better with shaved 70% chocolate.

Burgundy blackcurrant and marzipan cake

Burgundy blackcurrant and marzipan cake

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