Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Fava beans

Fava beans

I entered her little dark kitchen, passing the "cold room" on the left, where all of the smoked meat was hanging. It smelled of freshly baked rye bread and boiled fava beans. It was around midday. Lunchtime. She (my grandmothers' sister) strained the hot boiling water leaving only cooked beans. One by one, they "jumped" into a large, old clay bowl. She disappeared into the "cold room" (she called it like that) and returned with kefir, as it was part of the lunch. The lunch that every Latvian knows - fava beans with kefir. We peeled the beans one by one licking out the dark green inside. We ate them, drinking kefir with it. With the kitchen, smelling of beans, and freshly baked bread, the moment was more magical than we understood at that time. I was around the age of seven when that happened.

It was and still is the way to eat fava beans in Latvia. We do it sometimes at our house, but rarely, as I've come to discover many more ways to love fava. Yes, their peeling takes more time than one would enjoy, but it's the taste and aftertaste that matters.

Filled with many vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, their nutritional value is much higher than we imagine. Zinc, potassium, copper, ironare onlya few of the nutrients. Containing immune-boosting nutrients, fava beans are good for bone structure, to lower high blood pressure, and much more. So, eating them while they are in the season might be not only tasty. It is good too. 

Coming back to the taste. I love fava (broad) beans. Boiled (peeled) and cold with olive oil and lemon zest. Mashed on bruschettas. Sautéed with garlic and oregano. Served with burrata. Mixed in pasta - creamy or tomato. Boiled in a creamy soup with potatoes. Blended in a creamy pate or smooth hummus. Served in salads and sautéed with tomatoes. In Italy, we ate them raw - with olive oil and lemon juice (tasty but not my favorite way of eating them). I have harvested a bucket of fava in my garden. Now it's time to decide what to make.

Recipe and pictures: Signe Meirane
Camera: Sony Alpha 7s



