Probably the best bread in Milano

Panifico Davide Longoni

While most Italians still like to eat plain yeast bread, pizza and pastries, there are some pioneers who think there is much more to baked goods, and one of them is the Davide Longoni bakery. Their bread selection is nothing like you are used to seeing in Italy. Bread is made from natural yeast, heritage grains and has tastes that will surprise. Locals queu all day long to grab their bread, some pastries, have lunch and breakfast and to buy some of the best Panettone in Milan. If you see something like destroyed sponge cake with figs on it, take it – better take two pieces, because the taste is just to die for.

Via Gerolamo Tiraboschi 19

Text and pictures: Signe Meirane
Camera: Sony Alpha 7s